Which Rockies players have also played for the Nationals? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers August 18

Publish date: 2024-05-24

Every day, baseball fans look forward to the newest Immaculate Grid puzzle. Run by Baseball Reference, the online exercise has become an overnight sensation.

The Immaculate Grid is a 3 x 3 puzzle. Typically, clues are lined up along both the x and y axes. These clues usually come in the form of team names, although sometimes a career achievement is given instead. It is then up to Immaculate Grid users to populate the various spaces with names of relevant MLB players.

On August 18, Immaculate Grid asked users to name players who have appeared for both the Colorado Rockies and Washington Nationals. Let's take a look at some eligible names.

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Players who have played for the Colorado Rockies and Washington Nationals | MLB Immaculate Grid August 18

Ian Desmond was drafted by the Montreal Expos in 2004, the team's last year in existence. By the time the 6-foot-3 utility man made his debut in 2009, the Expos had become the Washington Nationals.

His third year, 2012, represented a breakout season for Desmond, as he hit .292/.335/.511 alongside 25 home runs and 73 RBIs to capture his first All-Star designation, as well as a Silver Slugger.

In 2016, he signed a five-year, $70 million deal with the Rockies. His time in Colorado was short, and Desmond retired in 2019 after hitting .252 over his three seasons with the Rockies.

"Ian Desmond - 06/03/2018" - Randon Homers

After being selected by the Colorado Rockies in the 2009 draft, left-fielder Corey Dickerson made his debut with the team three seasons later. In his sophomore season of 2013, Dickerson connected 24 home runs and 76 RBIs, all while maintaining an impressive .312 average.

After moving to the Tampa Bay Rays in 2016, Dickerson gained his first All-Star nod, and won a Gold Glove as a member of the Pirates in 2017. This season, Dickerson appeared in 50 games for the Nats before being placed on waivers on August 2, 2023.

Former Rookie of the Year runner-up Livan Hernandez was one of the Washington Nationals' best pitchers during their first season in existence, 2005. That season, Hernandez posted a 3.98 ERA across an NL-best 35 starts.

He also connected for two home runs and seven RBIs that season. After his time in Washington, the Cuban right-hander became a journeyman, and his time with the Colorado Rockies was short, appearing in just eight games for the team in 2008.

"Ex-Nat of the Day Livan Hernandez went 44-47 with a 4.32 ERA in 129 starts from 2005-06 and 2009-11. He threw 125 or more pitches in 12 of those starts, topping out at 150 in a complete game in June 2005." - Mike Zuckerman

Although Venezuelan first baseman Andres Galarraga never appeared for the Nats proper, he was a legend for the Expos before the move south. In 1988, he led the league in hits and doubles, earning an All-Star nod and Silver Slugger.

Known for great dexterity at first base despite his 6-foot-3, 225 lb frame, Galarraga joined the Rockies in 1993, and led the league in home runs (47) and RBIs (150) in 1996, winning a Silver Slugger. He retired in 2004 after one season with the Anaheim Angels.

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