Taylor Momsen, 16, caught smoking a cigarette

Publish date: 2024-06-06


Seriously, at this point what’s the difference between Taylor Momsen and a teenage runaway who supports herself by hooking? Because there’s absolutely no visual difference at this point. I just saw these photos of Taylor Momsen walking around the Brooklyn set of Gossip Girl today, smoking. Her character was not smoking, Taylor was. Because she’s 16 years old. Because she doesn’t give a f-ck. Because she’s a pantless brat. Because she wants to be the next Lindsay Lohan.

Ordinarily, I dislike the anti-smoking zealots because, hey, I used to smoke all the time, and I don’t like to hate on smokers. Sure, it’s a bad habit. So is drinking and using drugs and having unprotected sex and texting while driving. And all of those things also kill people, as do cigarettes. But there’s something about smoking that brings out the really hardcore zealots. Anyway, I digress – Taylor, 16 years old, pantless, smoking. I really think this has become a Lohan situation. In a few months, I predict Taylor will be living alone at the Chateau Marmont, buying rounds of tequila shots for “industry” types who will treat her just like they’ve treated Lindsay.

Taylor, I beg you. Put down the cig. I know you don’t give a f-ck about anything or anyone, and I know you’re totally punk because you wear your Chanel eyeliner with a dog collar or whatever, but just ease up on the cigs. I get it. You want to be Lindsay, with a smoker’s rasp at the age of 18, and sun-and-cigarette damaged skin by the age of 20. Just buy some Nicorette or something.

P.S. Is it just me or is that a really fat cigarette? Is she smoking Camel Wides?

Taylor Momsen in Brooklyn on January 27, 2010. Credit: Pacific Coast News.

