I want to mine to be one that says Shaq was a nice guy, not Shaq sold this - Shaquille O'Neal

Publish date: 2024-04-19

Shaquille O'Neal's legacy is incredible. He retired as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, having won four rings during his career. However, the NBA legend revealed that he wanted people to remember him for something else.

Since retiring from the professional basketball league, O'Neal has been a very successful businessman. In 2022, his net worth is estimated at $400 million, which makes him one of the richest athletes.

The four-time NBA champion has also tried his hand at DJing. It turns out that he's very good at it as he's been going on a worldwide tour as 'DJ Diesel'. Shaq is currently in Australia where he's putting on a great show for everyone who loves good music.

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While visiting the Lucky Country, Shaquille O'Neal sat down with David "Kochie" Koch and talked about his personal life. Here's what the former NBA MVP said regarding his legacy:

"When it's all said and done, talking about legacies, I want mine to be one that says Shaq was a nice guy. Not 'Shaq sold this, Shaq has that.' None of that matters. Was he nice?"

Despite being a basketball legend, Shaquille O'Neal wants to achieve even more in his life. He's achieved a lot of success in basketball and business, but that's not the most important thing to him.

Shaquille O'Neal and his philanthropy

Shaq has always been known to help other people. Even when he launched his own line of basketball shoes, the basketball legend made them very affordable. He launched them at supermarkets, allowing people to purchase them for as low as 12 dollars.

Just a few months ago, DJ Diesel donated proceeds from his DJing gig in Buffalo to the families of shooting victims that occurred in the city.

Shaquille O'Neal even used NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to help underprivileged kids. Even though NFTs are controversial and often linked to scams, the NBA legend raised $2 million with them. All of this money went to his foundation that helps those who are less fortunate.

Shaquille O'Neal has helped a lot of people, whether it's by buying them food, cars, or other valuable things they need.

The NBA legend has his own foundation, which is mostly focused on helping young kids. The foundation was founded in 2019 and more information about it can be found on its official website.

Shaquille O'Neal's legacy is impressive and there is no doubt that he is a nice guy considering that thousands of people have been positively impacted by his generosity.

DJ Diesel tour

DJ Diesel is currently in Australia as he had a concert in Melbourne on August 24. The famous DJ traveled to the southern country after having concerts in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Shaq will return to the United States and have two more concerts in September. Those who want to see him live will be able to do so in Tallahassee, Florida, on September 9.

DJ Diesel will also visit Thornville, Ohio, and perform at the Lost Lands Music Festival.

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