How to evolve Sunkern into Sunflora

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet has a plethora of monsters to catch, tame and evolve. The latter has been a big part of the series since its inception, allowing trainers' monsters to grow stronger. However, there are certain Pokemon that only evolve when certain criteria outside of level-gating are met.

To elaborate, players will have to use specific items to evolve specific types of Pokemon, without which they cannot change forms. Evolution is important because it boosts Pokemon's stats and allows them to learn even more powerful moves. This guide will show you how to use this method to evolve Sunkern into Sunflora in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Players will need to acquire a Sun Stone to evolve Sunkern in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Like many other creatures, Sunkern will only evolve into Sunflora when exposed to a Sun Stone. It is one of many evolution stones available, each of which allows certain species of Pokemon to evolve. Where, however, can players find a Sun Stone? Here are several ways to obtain one: The simplest method is to seek one out in the wild, as there are specific permanent locations where the Sun Stone can be found.

Examine the location indicated in the screenshot below. It is located between the Pokemon Centers in West Province (Area One) - Central and West Province (Area One) - North, in the north-east direction.

This area on the map of Paldea has what players are looking for (Screenshot via Gamer Guides/YouTube)

Other methods include:

To evolve Sunkern into Sunflora, simply head into the items section of your backpack. Select the Sun Stone and use it on Sunkern. This should initiate the evolution animation, after which players will have obtained Sunflora. Since this is a stone evolution, players can use it at any time on the Sunkern, as no criteria are holding it back from evolving.

That is all players need to know about evolving Sunkern into Sunflora. Scarlet & Violet was released earlier on November 18, 2022. They are only available on the Nintendo Switch console.

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