Anna Hall starts dating NFL cornerback Joejuan Williams after breaking up with tennis ace Ben Shelto

Publish date: 2024-06-03

American athlete Anna Hall has made public her relationship with the NFL cornerback Joejuan Williams.

Hall was previously with the tennis sensation Ben Shelton. They began dating in November 2021 while studying at the University of Florida. They managed to keep their relationship a secret and the details of their parting remain undisclosed.

Hall, who won a silver medal in the women's Heptathlon event at the World Athletics Championships, has now made public her relationship with Williams. She posted a video on social media where she can seen spending with Williams in the offseason. The 22-year-old can be seen cooking and reading while also enjoying a drive.

"Last off szn trip," she wrote on the video she posted on TikTok.

Joejuan Williams plays as a cornerback in the NFL and joined the Chicago Bears' active roster after entering the draft in 2019.

"The 4th agreement is to always do your best" - Anna Hall after winning a silver medal at the 2023 World Athletics Championships

Anna Hall after finishing second in the women's 800m Heptathlon at the 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary

After securing a bronze medal in the women's Heptathlon at the 2022 World Athletics Championships (WAC) held on home soil in Eugene, Oregon, Anna Hall went one step further this year. At the 2023 WAC in Budapest, Hungary, she clinched a silver medal in the same event.

After the event concluded, Hall took to social media to express her joy and gratitude. She shared a quote from the book, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom, and said:

“The 4th agreement is to always do your best. your best will change from moment to moment.. simply do your best and you will avoid self judgement and regret."

A few days prior to the 2023 WAC, Hall suffered a knee injury during a training session. However, she remained undeterred and decided to compete in Budapest.

"Fought like hell these last few days (weeks) just wasn't quite enough," she added.

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